He Manawa aa Whenua

Kaitiakitanga Sustainability Strategy

Kaitiakitanga for TGH includes whenua sustainability and financial prosperity entwined with social, environmental, and cultural priorities.

He Manawa aa Whenua, our kaitiakitanga strategy, frames holistic outcomes to guide the way TGH fulfils its primary role of delivering strong, financial returns in a sustainable way with investments which improve the wellbeing and prospects of our people, reo, culture, whenua, awa and the natural environment.

Solar energy and water harvesting built into new buildings, jobs and business opportunities for tribal members through social procurement, natural habitat improvements at Ruakura Superhub, riparian fencing by tribal members, manuka borders around pine forests, solar to reduce diesel use on farm, natural fertiliser for soil health, native plants sourced from tribal nurseries, Paataka Kai to feed our marae … these are examples of He Manawa aa Whenua in action.