Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) has today announced the next ‘Future Director’ to be appointed under Te Ohu Amorangi Future Director programme.
The new appointee is Waikato-Tainui member Michelle Kemp (Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaati Makirangi).
Michelle is an Auckland-based Principal Planning Consultant with more than 16 years’ experience in planning for both the public and private sector. Her experience includes the preparation of large-scale, complex resource consent applications, advising iwi owned businesses and working through planning solutions for sites and places of significance for iwi.
Tainui Group Holdings Chair Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua welcomed Michelle as the second appointee to the Te Ohu Amorangi programme, which seeks to foster talented future commercial governors for the iwi.
“Te Ohu Amorangi will enable Michelle to gain governance experience in a Maaori-owned business and commercial environment, rounding out the technical expertise in planning she has developed over her career and brings to her role every day,” says Ms Raumati-Tu’ua.
Te Ohu Amorangi aims to grow and develop future director talent within Waikato-Tainui, allowing for institutional knowledge and company strategy to be shared and understood, while supporting the growth of governance capability within iwi members.
Michelle Kemp says she is honoured to participate in the future director programme.
“Tainui Group Holdings has long stood out for visionary projects such as the establishment of The Base, Ruakura Superhub and current projects in the Hamilton CBD. I will relish the opportunity to learn from the governance processes and conversations that sit behind these intergenerational investments. I am particularly interested in contributing to the social, cultural and economic progress and the investments that help advance the people of Waikato-Tainui,” Michelle Kemp says.
Parekawhia McLean, Chair of Te Whakakitenga o Waikato (the iwi parliament) and Tuku Morgan, Chair of Te Arataura (the iwi executive committee) also welcome Ms Kemp’s appointment and the ongoing role of Te Ohu Amorangi in developing iwi talent.
“The dozens of quality applications we received for our Te Ohu Amorangi programme this year, points to the growing level of governance talent within Waikato-Tainui, and it is exciting to have an appointee of Michelle’s calibre,” says Parekawhia.
“We are committed to growing our next cadre of leaders across the professional landscape and Michelle is representative of our unstinting determination to provide opportunities to the talented rangatahi from the Waikato marae communities,” says Mr Morgan.
The inaugural appointee to the programme was Lee Taharangi Gray (Waikato, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Apakura, Ngaati Raukawa, Ngaai Te Rangi, Kahungunu), appointed in 2019 for a two-year tenure.
TGH manages around $1.2 billion of assets for Waikato-Tainui. Major projects currently include the development of the 490-hectare Ruakura Superhub, a new centre for ACC in central Hamilton and construction of the Te Arikinui Pullman Auckland Airport Hotel with joint venture partner Auckland International Airport Ltd.