Supporting our Iwi

TGH provides the following support to our iwi:

Annual Distribution

Each year TGH makes an annual payment (Distribution) to Waikato-Tainui. This payment funds tribal development programmes provided by Waikato-Tainui eg. annual education scholarships, kaumaatua and medical grants, reo and tikanga development, tribal events, as well as administrative costs etc.

Iwi Governance Engagement

Our engagement with the members of Te Whakakitenga, other than presentations at their quarterly hui, includes consultation workshops which are held both kanohi ki te kanohi and online. These workshops are held when significant kaupapa need discussion or prior to key decisions being made. An example is the workshops that were held to explain TGH’s new role as Chief Investment Officer.

Our engagement also includes ‘Breakfast with the CEO’ hui. These are provided as a way for the members to meet with the CEO and management team in smaller groups to have their paatai answered. The members are encouraged to ask any paatai in a forum that is open and transparent.

Paataka Kai

Paataka Kai is an initiative to support our marae by providing kai, some of which is sourced through business partnerships. Each year meat to the value of $800 and 60kg of kuutai (mussels) are donated to marae, with poukai marae eligible for greater quantities. When available, kaimoana is sourced from Kono NZ which leases some of our fishing quota.

Te Ohu Amorangi

Te Ohu Amorangi is our future director programme which aims to grow and develop future commercial governance talent within our iwi membership. It is a three-year (one term) appointment that provides the opportunity to participate as a board member (non-voting), gain access to institutional knowledge, obtain governance and management mentoring, and learn about and understand company strategy and the inner workings of TGH.


Summer internships are offered for tertiary students who whakapapa to Waikato. The 10-week programme aims to provide the interns with work experience relevant to their areas of study and future career aspirations. It also ensures that interns spend time out of the office learning about the range of property assets managed by TGH on behalf of our iwi. The internships are popular and the calibre of applicants is always high.

Social Procurement

The social procurement vision of Waikato-Tainui is to create ‘a tribal economy to support the growth and prosperity of our people’. TGH supports this by working with key partners and suppliers to encourage employment and business opportunities for tribal members. Every contract that is held between TGH and major suppliers and contractors includes a requirement that suitably qualified tribal members are prioritised for jobs and that businesses owned by a tribal member are given consideration for sub-contracts.

Development works at Ruakura Superhub and the ACC building site have seen multiple job and business opportunities for our people.

Asset Tours

Our bus tours are a popular way for tribal members to learn about the assets that generate wealth for our iwi. The tours take in commercial lease properties, hotels, retail assets, housing subdivisions, farms and Ruakura Superhub.