Te Hiringa

Located in the heart of Kirikiriroa, Te Hiringa is our latest residential development comprising 10 purpose-designed homes for city dwellers. These homes are available in the first instance to tribal members. To qualify to purchase you must be a first-home buyer and owner-occupier and be ready to buy.

Te Hiringa provides TGH with the opportunity to investigate and trial various housing models and new initiatives, including build to rent, integrated sustainable transportation, and build/sell houses, preferably to tribal members as first homes. The development aligns with the sustainable development aspirations of our iwi. In this case by delivering higher density housing in a more compact urban form, making more use of the land and to encourage less pollution via private car use and more walking, cycling and public transport use, given Mary Street’s proximity to Hamilton CBD, Hospital, Frankton employment, Hamilton Lake, and the Western Rail Trial. 

As part of the pilot scheme, TGH is working with car-share operator to place carshare vehicle and scooter parking in the development to promote less dependence on private cars.

Te Hiringa Expression of Interest

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